
Individual Therapy

An individual therapy session can be tailored collaboratively to fit your needs as an adult or for your child. Through individual therapy, I can support you in identifying key factors that are impacting your mental health in the present moment. The frequency of sessions vary from person to person, I am open to collaborating on what is the best contact for you. Through individual therapy, you will find an increase of tolerance for the difficulties in your life, as though your cup can somehow hold more than it used to. Your better ability to manage what happens will lead to a decreased sense of feeling out of control by your current symptoms. I work from a trauma informed and attachment repair approach. I welcome family members, friends, and partners for conjoint sessions as coordinated in individual therapy.

Children and Adolescents

Your child may be struggling in school or home setting. My role as your child’s therapist would be to align on what your needs are as a parent and your child’s needs developmentally. As an attachment based psychotherapist, I honor the relationship that you and your child already have. My role is to support relief and joy in your relationship with your child. This treatment can help reduce symptoms of aggression, defiance, inattention, and changes in mood. Treatment with minors requires a balanced parent participation, collaboration on frequency can be coordinated.

Child Parent Psychotherapy

Children’s communicate through play and curiosity. When Trauma occurs in early childhood, children may not have the words to communicate their internal difficulties, for this reason CPP can be helpful in processing your child’s difficulties with you as a parent or caregiver. This practice model requires exploration of caregiver trauma history, creating a story to present to your child (ages 0-5), and play/exploration on the child’s internal processes. I am a rostered CPP clinician. Find more about the wonders of CPP here

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

Prior experiences may make it difficult to move on, possibly these prior instances led to a core belief about yourself that has been hard to shake ever since. When something goes wrong, your core feels shaken and you aren’t sure why. You repeat patterns even after being ‘aware’ and really wanting to change these unhelpful patterns. EMDR is a treatment model meant to use bilateral stimulation (eye, touch, movement) to help get you unstuck, moving on, and at peace with prior experiences. I am an EMDR trained therapist.

Session Investment

Session cost for services is between $200-225/session. Individual Therapy- 50 minute sessions are $200. Family Therapy- 50 minute sessions are $225.

Consultation cost for a one hour session is $250/hour